Step-wise approach for such couples facing infertility issues.

08/02/2023 by vedansha

Couples are often confused what treatment to go for in case they fail to conceive for a long time. The actual answer though is to assess where the problem lies and then what treatment to follow.

Here’s a step-wise approach for such couples, as explained by Infertility Expert & IVF Consultant Dr. Sangeeta Tajpuirya, of Vedansha Hospital, Nagpur.

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Contact 9168628982 Or Visit: Vedansha Hospital, 30, Surendra Nagar, WHC Road, Nagpur. #WomenHealth #gynaecology #Gynaecologist #femalehealth #childbirth #Vedansha #IVFClinic #TestTubeBaby #MaternityService #Nagpur


Our pioneering work has led to the development and implementation of new technologies and methods to overcome both female and male infertility. All of these services under one roof means that your care is never “outsourced”. Our beautiful and spacious hospital provides discretion and confidentiality. We understand our patients are placing their hopes and dreams in our hands.


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Sunday - CLOSED

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