

There can be various causes for infertility. Learning about them and then taking the right guidance can help with the right treatment procedure!
Feel the Joy of Parenthood with Vedansha Hospital, Nagpur – IVF and Maternity Hospital.
For queries related to Maternity, contact 9168628982
Or Visit: Vedansha Hospital, 30, Surendra Nagar, WHC Road, Nagpur.
#Vedansha #IVFClinic #TestTubeBaby #MaternityService #Nagpur — at Vedansha Hospital, Nagpur.
May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'EDAH NAGPU VE FCLINIC MATERNITY CENTRE Infertility problems can be of various types. And many of them are treatable too. Speak to an infertility specialist for the right guidance! June Infertility Awareness Month'
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The arrival of a baby indeed calls for a celebration!
Every-time a baby is delivered at Vedansha Hospital, Nagpur, we celebrate it together with the family. After all, it is a “Birth” day!

The couple has been waiting for the moment for 9 long months, the mother has been feeling her baby’s kicks, and the family has been awaiting the new addition to their lineage. Indeed a Happy Moment when the Baby finally arrives.
Priceless moments!🧒👩🤰👨‍👩‍👧

#SuccessStory #Vedansha #Maternity #GynaecCare

Feel the joy of Parenthood with Vedansha Hospital, Nagpur

For any queries related to pregnancy, or IVF, connect with Vedansha Hospital, Nagpur on 9168628982
Or Visit: Vedansha Hospital, 30, Surendra Nagar, WHC Road, Nagpur.
#Vedansha #Maternity #Pregnancy #Childbirth #Gynaec #IVFClinic #TestTubeBaby #MaternityService #Nagpur



Welcoming your child in the presence of your loved ones only adds to the happiness!
Did you know that your husband can accompany you during the delivery process?
Childbirth can now be completely painless.

At Vedansha Hospital, Nagpur, we also have state-of-the-art facilities for relatives (and outstation patients) to stay in.

Connect with us for your Maternity care – Consultation, Regular check-ups and Delivery (Normal / Cesarean).
Feel the Joy of Parenthood with Vedansha Hospital, Nagpur – IVF and Maternity Hospital.

For queries related to IVF or Gynaec Care, contact 9168628982
Or Visit: Vedansha Hospital, 30, Surendra Nagar, WHC Road, Nagpur.
#Vedansha #IVFClinic #TestTubeBaby #MaternityService #Nagpur — at Vedansha Hospital, Nagpur.


Medical Emergencies that might arise during Pregnancy

#KnowledgeSeries #VedanshaHospital
Maternity emergencies:-
Life threatening problems for mother and baby are called as obstetric emergencies. They are as follows:
Emergencies that may arise during pregnancy:

• Miscarriage – It can be also called as spontaneous abortion, which results in the loss of foetus before 20 weeks of pregnancy or gestation. It mostly happens in the period of first trimester or first three months of pregnancy. A miscarriage can happen due to various reasons and cannot be controlled when it starts; the mother might need a proper treatment for infection, or to remove remaining tissue from the body.

• Ectopic pregnancy – It happens when the fertilised egg implants in one of the fallopian tubes (it carries eggs from the ovaries to the uterus) and grows outside the main cavity of uterus (womb). It is also called as ‘tubal pregnancy’. This type pregnancy cannot continue as the fertilised eggs cannot survive outside the uterus and this can result in serious loss of blood. If treated early, only medication is sufficient; but in emergency, surgery is required.

• Placental abruption – It happens when the placenta separates from the uterus before childbirth – occurs mostly around 25 weeks of pregnancy. It can cause vaginal bleeding, lower abdominal pain and severe low blood pressure.

• Placenta praevia – When placenta partially or totally covers the opening in the mother’s cervix. In this, placenta attaches to the lower part of the uterus which partly or completely blocks the opening of the womb. Mother may suffer from vaginal bleeding throughout pregnancy and during delivery.

• Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia – Dangerous pregnancy complications -induced high blood pressure (hypertension) and protein in the urine (proteinuria). It usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy and causes swelling in legs and water retention. It can lead to serious complications for mother and baby. If not treated properly, pre-eclampsia is converted to eclampsia (development of seizures in woman with pre-eclampsia).

• Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) – Rupture of amniotic fluid before contractions or labour begin. If the waters break before 37 weeks of pregnancy and leads to leakage of amniotic fluid or infection of the amniotic sac it is called as preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) and is an emergency situation.

For any queries related to pregnancy, and types of surgical procedures for the same, connect with Vedansha Hospital on 9168628982
Or Visit: Vedansha Hospital, 30, Surendra Nagar, WHC Road, Nagpur.


These are troubled times.

Following the guidelines, we have been at our homes and have stepped out only in case of emergency or for essential supplies.  And whenever we did step out, we constantly feared of meeting someone who is a coronavirus carrier and would infect us.

But as a more relaxed #Lockdown 4.0 was announced in India, let’s brace ourselves for #LivingWithCorona.

The show must go on. Economies worldwide have been deeply affected and countries (including India) are now transitioning into a new phase – of having a life with the necessary precautions, care, and responsibility and all this time, keeping in mind that #Coronavirus is still not gone.

So, while we still continue to think twice to freely move and step out for what we need, there are cases we really can’t or rather shouldn’t delay our stepping out – Healthcare.

When we feel there is some problem or disorder we are facing with our body, we should immediately seek medical opinion.

At Vedansha Hospital, we have taken all the necessary steps at our hospital premises so that while you continue to visit us for Maternity Care, Gynaec Problems or IVF / Fertility related issues, worrying about #Corona should be least of your concern.

At Vedansha, your safety is our priority.

  1. Sanitizers for all visitors and Staff

    Vedansha Hospital Nagpur Covid19
    A visitor’s hand being sanitized at Vedansha Hospital – IVF and Maternity Hospital in Nagpur











2. Frequent Sanitization of hospital premises

3. Social Distancing while interacting with patients

4. Masks for all

Vedansha Hospital Nagpur Covid19
Staff at Vedansha – an IVF and Maternity Hospital in Nagpur











5. Trained staff to follow all necessary precautions


So, as we start living #LifeWithCorona, you can now visit your doctor for your health problems, and stay safe from #Coronavirus.

For queries related to Maternity, Gynaec Care or IVF
contact 9168628982.
Or Visit: Vedansha Hospital, 30, Surendra Nagar, WHC Road, Nagpur.

#Vedansha #IVFClinic #TestTubeBaby #MaternityService #Nagpur


Our pioneering work has led to the development and implementation of new technologies and methods to overcome both female and male infertility. All of these services under one roof means that your care is never “outsourced”. Our beautiful and spacious hospital provides discretion and confidentiality. We understand our patients are placing their hopes and dreams in our hands.


Monday - Saturday 10:00AM-07:00PM
Sunday - CLOSED

+91-8208121708, +91-9168628982

30 Surendra Nagar

© 2022 Vedansha. All Rights Reserved.

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